Changelog Discover the last updates of the app
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Hi, I'm Axel, the developer of Easy Digital Products.
If you appreciate my work on this app, I'd love your support! Please consider leaving a review on the Shopify App Store.

V4.1.6 (September 11th, 2024)

  • Improved: Various optimizations have been made to the app admin to enhance speed and prepare for a major update in the coming months
  • Improved: The Shopify API used by the app has been updated
  • Fix: the download count was sometimes wrongly displayed in the 'Orders Details' popup if the order contained both some digital and some physical products
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the "Assign Key to Order" feature was not updating the key's date correctly

V4.1.5 (August 6th, 2024)

  • Added: A new column with the product name, variant name and SKU has been added to the 'License Keys Pending Delivery' page
  • Improved: The onboarding flow has been improved, especially when creating the very first digital product

V4.1.4 (July 10th, 2024)

  • Added : it is now possible to disable downloads for a specific order from the 'Orders' page
  • Improved : the 'Orders' page has been redesigned and optimized for a better loading speed
  • Improved : The onboarding info section of the app has been redesigned to make it clearer
  • Fixed : An issue where the custom order text was sometimes appearing twice on the new order confirmation block generated by the app

V4.1.3 (May 14th, 2024)

  • Improved : implemented a new caching system to significantly enhance asset loading speeds within the app
  • Fixed : resolved a rare issue affecting tagged license keys under specific conditions

V4.1.2 (April 16th, 2024)

  • Improved : the upload system has been enhanced, and a new backup strategy has been put in place
  • Improved : added the 'License key tag' column to the CSV export feature for license keys
  • Improved : upload errors are handled in a better way
  • Improved : removed the use of store cookies in the app to improve performance and enhance data compliance

V4.1.1 (February 27th, 2024)

  • Fixed : an issue with the "Resend order email" feature where the option was not available if the product was edited after the order was placed
  • Improved : added a new way to share your feeback about the app to help us improve it
  • Improved : updated the integrated support chat to serve you even better

V4.1.0 (January 23rd, 2024)

  • Improved : digital downloads are now even faster to deliver because some webhooks sent by Shopify are now processed through AWS
  • Improved : added an optional unsubscribe link to email containing downloads to comply with new Google (GMail) and Yahoo recommendations

V4.0.9 (January 4th, 2024) - Happy New Year 🥳

  • Improved : the license keys delivery algorithm has been improved and optimized to be quicker to deliver keys to your customers
  • Fixed : an error message is now correctly displayed when a file greater than 5GB is picked for upload

V4.0.8 (December 19th, 2023)

  • Updated : the Shopify API version used by the app has been updated to take advantage of new platform features and updates

V4.0.7 (November 14th, 2023)

  • Improved : the app backend has been improved and the admin is now quicker to load

V4.0.6 (November 2nd, 2023)

  • New : full compatibility with Shopify's "Checkout Extensibility" update. Merchants using this feature can now enable the EDP order status & thank you block from the Shopify admin builder. This ensures the display of download buttons and/or license keys on relevant pages (applicable only when "Checkout Extensibility" is enabled)
  • Improved : license key tags are now sorted alphabetically

V4.0.5 (October 10th, 2023)

  • Improved : the Shopify API used by the app was updated
  • Improved : files are now served from multiple geotargeted servers to improve the download speed

V4.0.4 (September 11th, 2023)

  • New : ability to purchase additional storage (it was limited to 100GB before, it's now possible to upgrade to 200GB or 500GB)
  • Improved : the upgrade page has been redesigned to make it more clear
  • Fixed : the upgrade page is now mobile friendly
  • Fixed : when the upload took a long time, sometimes it failed and the file was not uploaded, it's now fixed

V4.0.3 (August 3rd, 2023)

  • Added : the "product_sku" has been added to the /get-license-keys-by-order API endpoint
  • Fixed : an issue with the duplicate keys checker not detecting duplicates when importing exactly 1000 keys at once
  • Fixed : an issue where in some very rare cases, an order could have the downloads sent but would not be marked as fulfilled (despite the auto fulfill option set to "Yes")
  • Fixed : an issue with the "Resend order email" feature where sometimes the email was sent with no download buttons if the product that was part of this order was deleted from the app

V4.0.2 (June 1st, 2023)

  • Improved : the Shopify API version used by the app has been upgraded
  • Fixed : an issue with the /get-license-key API endpoint when the key was manually assigned to an order

V4.0.1 (May 3rd, 2023)

  • Fixed : an issue with the email sent by the app not properly displaying in iOs has been fixed

V3.9.9 (April 17th, 2023)

  • Added : new expert feature to use the orders_create webhook if some orders placed through third party checkouts are not fulfilled by the app
  • Added : new column added in the "Export to CSV" feature for license keys called "Delivered Date"
  • Added : new helpdesk with frequently asked questions for a better support system

V3.9.8 (April 4th, 2023)

  • Improved (backend) : new webhooks system to better handle digital orders through AWS. This update is deployed progressively through new installs first

V3.9.7 (February 21st, 2023)

  • Added : new back-office system to log actions made in the app for support purposes
  • Updated : the app has been renamed from "Easy Digital Products" to "EDP - Easy Digital Products" to comply with the new Shopify app name requirements

V3.9.6 (February 10th, 2023)

  • Improved : the Shopify API version used by the app has been updated
  • Improved : the auto fulfillment feature of the app has been improved and now uses the last Shopify API recommendations

V3.9.5 (February 2nd, 2023)

  • Improved : the algorithm to deliver license keys has been almost completely rewritten from scratch to make it quicker and more optimized, especially when a lot of orders are placed at the same time

V3.9.4 (January 16th, 2023)

  • Added : pagination system and UI updated on the pending license keys page
  • Improved : starting A/B testing for a new optimized script execution on the storefront

V3.9.3 (January 12th, 2023)

  • Added : you can now change or set the email of your choice for the license keys stock alert notifications (from the "Settings" page of the app)
  • Fixed : if there was an error on the order confirmation page, the loading animation from the app was never hidden, it's now fixed

V3.9.2 (January 4th, 2023) - Happy New Year 🥳

  • Added : the changelog is now public
  • Improved : a new system has been integrated to improve the queue system for when a lot of digital orders are placed at the same time on the same store

V3.9.1 (December 15th, 2022)

  • Improved : the jQuery library bas been completely removed to increase the app performance on the storefront

V3.9 (December 1st, 2022)

  • Improved : a major update has been released for the digital downloads and license keys delivery process. The algorithm has been almost entirely rebuilt with new technologies to make sure the downloads and keys are delivered a lot quicker than before on the order confirmation page.
  • Improved : the queue system for digital orders has been improved to prevent the API limits from Shopify from being reached if your store has a lot of orders at the same time
  • Added : you can now customize the sender name from the "Email Template" page

V3.8.3 (November 21st, 2022)

  • Fixed : a problem where the download buttons were duplicated on the order confirmation page when a discount code "Buy X Get Y" was used has been fixed.
  • Fixed : an issue where some downloads were delayed if dozens of orders were placed at the same time

V3.8.2 (November 8th, 2022)

  • Fix : some fixes and performance improvements have been added to better handle pick of traffic (especially during the upcoming BFCM period)

V3.8.1 (September 29th, 2022)

  • Added : added product details (id, sku and title) on the "get-license-key" API endpoint
  • Fixed : general server update to improve page speed and download button generation
  • Fixed : new line fixed (line break) for the "short description text" on the order confirmation page and in the emails

V3.8 (September 1st, 2022)

  • Added : a new "Sort" filter on the "License Keys" page
  • Added : a new API endpoint to delete a license key has been created
  • Added : more themes are now supported by the "Download buttons in orders history" beta feature
  • Added : a hint to select multiple keys at once in the "License Keys" page
  • Fixed : some mobile / responsive design issues in the interface of the app
  • Fixed : the multiple downloads popup has been fixed on mobile / responsive state
  • Fixed : a small design problem has been fixed on the API page

V3.7.5 (July 16th, 2022)

  • Added : our affiliate program is now live and you can earn a 20% recurring commission from all of the merchants you refer to EDP
  • Added : new "export to csv" feature added inside your license keys tags
  • Improved : server optimizations to better handle Shopify webhooks specifically when there is a lot of traffic on the server
  • Fixed : a problem impacting the "pending keys" page where some orders were sometimes not showing up has been fixed
  • Fixed : a display issue on the table that shows the digital variants on the homepage

V3.7.4 (June 9th, 2022)

  • Added : ability to rename a license key tag
  • Added : ability to delete a license key tag (and all the keys contained inside)
  • Added : ability to delete any license key (even a used license key)
  • Improved : Pricing has been added below the "Upgrade" button for more clarity

V3.7.3 (May 13th, 2022)

  • Added : possibility to customize the prefix of the text for the "add license keys to order notes" feature

V3.7.2 (May 4th, 2022)

  • Added : new custom plans with more storage (200GB, 300GB or 400GB). These plans are available on demand. Send a message using the support chat to get access to them 😉

V3.7.1 (April 13th, 2022)

  • Added : there is now an option to delete a pending license key from the "license keys waiting to be delivered" page
  • Added : new support chat system with an upcoming helpdesk system to reply to your questions about the app more efficiently
  • Improved : you can now search by SKU in your digital products list or when you create a new one
  • Improved : general app speed update so your downloads are delivered more quickly to your customers
  • Fixed : the download icon in the email on mobile has been changed to take in consideration the dark mode of some email apps

V3.7 (March 10th, 2022)

  • Added : you can now inject your custom CSS code in the order status page (from the "Expert Features" tab of the "Settings" page)
  • Added : you can now set a font size and font color for the PDF Stamping text (from the "PDF Stamping" tab of the "Settings" page)
  • Added : you can now enable or disable the alert notification for when your license keys stock is low and choose when to receive this alert (by entering the remaining number of keys to trigger the notification from the "Settings" page)
  • Improved : the "Settings" page of the app has been redesigned with tabs to make it more clear
  • Improved : license keys that are links (with http:// or https://) are now automatically transformed as clickable links on the order confirmation page
  • Improved : new dynamic variable added for the PDF stamping feature to display the number of license keys purchased by the customer

V3.6.8 (February 3rd, 2022)

  • Added : a quick link to open the app has been added in the "edit product" page of Shopify (accessible via the "More actions" menu)
  • Improved : more options for the "Download limit in time" have been added
  • Improved : the loading speed of the "Orders" page has been improved

V3.6.7 (January 4th, 2022)

  • Improved : app optimizations to improve speed during picks of traffic on the server

V3.6.6 (December 14th, 2021)

  • Added : for pending orders, the email containing the downloads / license keys is now automatically sent by the app as soon as you capture the payment

V3.6.5 (November 29th, 2021)

  • Fixed : the download limits were sometimes not correctly applied while creating a digital product, it's now fixed
  • Improved : the API endpoint "/api/get-license-keys-by-order" has been completely rewritten and improved a lot
  • Improved : the number of results when searching for a digital products has been increased

V3.6.4 (November 23th, 2021)

  • New : a pagination system has been added to the home page (list of digital products)
  • New : you can now set a custom class name for the orders history download button
  • Fixed : sometimes the "order loading text" option was hidden in the "Settings" page of the app, it's now fixed
  • Improved : the loading speed has been improved on different parts of the app

V3.6.3 (October 19th, 2021)

  • New : a search engine has been added on the homepage to easily find your digital products simply by typing their titles or a keyword

V3.6.2 (October 12th, 2021)

  • Fixed : an issue where in a very particular case, a download could show an "Access Denied" message has been fixed

V3.6.1 (October 6th, 2021)

  • Improved : the popup to update a digital product that contains one or more files has been completely redesigned and is a lot more user friendly

V3.6 (October 5th, 2021) - Major Update 🎉

  • New - important feature : added support for multiple files uploads which includes :
    • Ability to add up to 10 files to the same product or variant instead of just one
    • Ability to edit or delete a single file from a digital product or variant (or all of them)
    • A popup will be shown to your customers if a digital product has more than one file attached. In this popup, all the files attached will be displayed along with their download buttons.
    • When clicking on the download button from the email received by your customers (and containing their digital products), a new page will be displayed if the digital product contains more than one file. This page lists all the files attached to this digital product along with their download buttons.
  • Fixed : a bug with the pending license keys has been fixed
  • Fixed : a bug with the order still marked as fulfilled in some very specific cases when no license keys were in stock (while the option "Auto-fulfill even if the license keys are not in stock" was turned off).
  • Improved : the app user interface (UI) has been improved on many pages and popups

V3.5.1 (September 13th, 2021)

  • New : new option available in the settings page of the app to customize the text for when the app is loading on the order confirmation page
  • New : the link the order page has been added in the "Orders" list in the app
  • Improved : the loading speed of the app on the order confirmation page has been drastically improved
  • Fixed : when the promo code "buy one / get one free" was used, the license keys were not correctly displayed in the "Orders" page of the app

V3.5 (September 9th, 2021)

  • New & Improved : the pending license keys page has been completely redesigned from scratch, it includes the following new useful features :
    • Ability to automatically "pick & send" a license key from the tag it is attached to or the ability to "create & send" a key in one click
    • The email template you define is now used to send the pending license keys (instead of a generic non-updatable english one)
    • You can override the email template subject for the pending license keys email
  • New : an option has been added to the settings page to notify you when one of your customer has not received a license key when he placed his order (because there were no keys in stock)
  • New : the [[order_name]] dynamic variable can now be added to your email template (in the subject or content)
  • Improved : the order email resend limit has been increased from 1 resend max. to 3
  • Improved : the API endpoint api/get-license-key now includes the details of your customer when the license key is attached to an order

V3.4.9 (August 31th, 2021)

  • Fixed : license keys are now delivered as expected when a discount "buy one, get one free" is used in the order
  • Fixed : an issue with automatic fulfillment has been fixed in a very specific case
  • Improved : the [[order_id]] dynamic parameter can now be added in digital products created with an URL
  • Improved : small design fixes in the app admin

V3.4.8 (August 12th, 2021)

  • Improved : the loading speed to show the download buttons on the order confirmation page has been improved
  • Fixed : an issue has been fixed where, in a very specific condition, a license key could be delivered twice
  • Improved : a few small design updates based on merchants feedbacks have been integrated

V3.4.7 (July 21st, 2021)

  • Added : new setting called "Auto-fulfill even if the license keys are not in stock" so you can choose to enable or disable auto-fulfillment for digital products that were purchased while no license keys were in stock
  • Added : new button to export license keys to a CSV file

V3.4.6 (July 20th, 2021)

  • Improved : new more powerful PDF stamping algorithm that will allow more customizations possibilities in the near future

V3.4.5 (July 15th, 2021)

  • Fixed : replacing a file by another one with the same name sometimes distributed the old file to your customers. It was due to the cache of our CDN and it's now fixed!
  • Fixed : resending the digital order email was not working in a very specific case where the customers didn't specify their email address while ordering and if the email was added after the order was placed

V3.4.4 (June 22nd, 2021)

  • Improved : the "License Keys" page has been rebuilt almost from scratch to improve the loading speed and add new features
  • Added : you can now customize the "pending payment text" from the "Settings" page of the app

V3.4.3 (June 18th, 2021)

  • Added : you now have a button to assign a key to an order manually in the "License Keys" page
  • Added : when adding new license keys, you now have an option to enable a "duplicate keys checker"
  • Fixed : the sender email is now your defined email when using a custom SMTP email server
  • Fixed : some error messages didn't appear correctly on the license keys page, it is now fixed

V3.4.2 (June 7th, 2021)

  • Fixed : the downloads now work as expected for orders made for merchants using a Shopify Lite Plan in combination with the "Buy Button"

V3.4.1 (June 3rd, 2021)

  • Improved : the app server has been upgraded to a more powerful one to give you and your customers the best experience
  • Improved : the "Upgrade" page has been completely redesigned for more clarity

V3.4 (June 1st, 2021)

  • Added : you can now configure your own SMTP server to send the emails from the app in the "Settings" page
  • Added : you can now customize the text for when a license key is not in stock anymore from the "Settings" page and from the "Email Template" > "Edit Download Block" section
  • Improved : the API endpoint "/api/get-license-keys-by-order" now includes the product title associated with each license keys returned

V3.3.1 (May 16th, 2021)

  • Added : new API endpoint to get the list of license keys associated with an order
  • Improved : key features of the app added in the "Upgrade" page
  • Improved : small design fixes

V3.3 (April 26th, 2021)

  • Added : new option while creating a digital product to choose to only sell license keys (no download button will appear for your customers and you don't need to upload any file)
  • Added : new [[customer_email]] URL parameter when you use your own URL while creating a digital product to automatically pass your customer email into the URL
  • Improved : the file name / url is now displayed in your list of digital products, below the variants names
  • Improved : the license keys stats are now shown on mobile too

V3.2.1 (April 20th, 2021)

  • API Update : added the product details linked to the license keys in the API "/api/get-license-key" endpoint
  • Improved : better app onboarding for new users of the app

V3.2 (April 12th, 2021)

  • Added (beta feature) : the download buttons now appear in the orders history page of your registered customers (you need to turn on this feature in the Settings page of the app).

V3.1 (March 30th, 2021)

  • Design : the app has been completely redesigned, almost from scratch to offer a better visual experience and is now mobile optimized (responsive)

V3.0.1 (March 23th, 2021)

  • Security : new backup server added. When you upload a file, it is now saved on two different servers (the old files uploaded before this update have been copied to this server as well). In case the first server is temporarily down, the second server is automatically used so your customers can always access their downloads
  • Security : new maintenance strategy in case an important update is made on the server to allow the files to still be downloaded while the update is in progress
  • Fix : you can now upload maximum 1000 license keys in one shot. To upload more than 1000 keys into the app, you can do it 1000 per 1000.

V3.0.0 (March 6th, 2021)

  • Added : PDF Stamping / Watermark feature. You can enable this feature to add a protection to your PDF files from the "Settings" page of the app
  • Added : API feature. First version of the API is integrated in this version with one endpoint to check and get the details of a license key directly from your website or app!
  • Added : the FAQ has been completely rewritten and gives a lot more details on how to use the app
  • Added : News ticker on the homepage of the app to share the latest improvements made!
  • Improved : the "resend email" button is now displayed in the search results on the order page too
  • Improved : the downloads buttons and the download speed on the customer's order confirmation page have been improved
  • Improved : the app has been updated to use the very last Shopify API

V2.9 (February 22nd, 2021)

  • Added : fraud checker system. You can now prevent the downloads from being delivered to your customers if the Shopify fraud system flagged the order with a "high risk" level. You can turn ON / OFF this fraud system from the "Settings" page of the app
  • Added : quick "Add license key to this tag" button on each of your license key tags
  • Added : the number of total digital orders sold has been added to the "Orders" page
  • Improved : the "Settings" page has been completely redesigned to be more clear
  • Fixed : some PDF were opened directly in the browser instead of being downloaded. It's now fixed.

V2.8.1 (February 10th, 2021)

  • Improved : the downloads buttons and license keys will now appear a lot quicker to your customers on their order confirmation page
  • Fixed : there was a bug in a very particular case when you clicked on "View Downloads & Details" on the Orders page
  • Fixed : automatic fulfilment of digital products for when you had multiple active locations on Shopify

V2.8 (February 4th, 2021)

  • Added : ability to add a short description text (with clickable links) for your digital products
  • Added : new message shown to your customers to let them know that their downloads are not available when the payment is "pending"
  • Added : you can now add the order name parameter to your URLs when creating a digital product (if you choose the "Add from URL" option)
  • Improvement : better handling for when the download limit you set is reached by your customers
  • Improvement : the downloads list on the order confirmation page has been slightly redesigned
  • Fixed : downloads were not working properly on very old Android phones. It's now fixed!

V2.7.2 (February 2nd, 2021)

  • Fixed : compatibility improved when downloading PDF and ZIP files with some browsers
  • Fixed : issue when clicking on "View Downloads & Details" when ClickFunnel was used to process the order

V2.7.1 (January 19th, 2021)

  • Added : resend digital email feature added to the orders tab
  • Fixed : error message was not displayed when the email template logo was too big. Now it's fixed!
  • Fixed : minor design issues

V2.7 (January 7th, 2021) - Happy New Year 🥳

  • Added : started rolling out the Analytics feature - more data will be added to this page in the next versions of the app
  • Added : stats with progress bar and usage details in the license keys tab

V2.6 (December 22nd, 2020) - Merry Christmas to you 😊

  • Added : new filter in the "License Keys" tab to show only sent or available license keys
  • Added : download date in the "Orders" tab of the app
  • Fix : remove the custom message from the order confirmation page if there is no digital product in the order
  • Fix : in the email template of your customers "edp_no_keys" was sometimes shown if the license keys were not in stock anymore. This text has been replaced by a better one.

V2.5 (December 8th, 2020)

  • Complete redesign of the "License Keys" page for more clarity (license keys sorted per tag, more details on the orders linked etc)
  • Backorder feature : if your customer purchases a license key that is not in stock, you will get an alert in the "License Keys" page and you will be able to send the unset keys in one click
  • Added stats for each license key tag
  • Ability select and bulk delete license keys
  • Ability to set the sender email for the "Email Template" feature
  • Ability to hide the download button from the email template
  • Ability to set a custom logo in the email template
  • Added order number in the email template

V2.4 (November 25th, 2020)

  • Ability to reset the download count in the orders details (useful if the customer reached his download limit)
  • Fix for when the email containing the downloads was not sent if the customer didn't reach the order confirmation page after the payment (this could happen if the customer paid with PayPal and didn't wait for the browser to redirect him to Shopify).

V2.3 (November 23th, 2020)

  • Ability to change the sender email address for the "email template" feature
  • New setting added to automatically add the license keys into the order "notes"
  • Auto update of new orders coming in the "Orders" tab of the app
  • Fix for when a digital order was created before the app was installed

V2.2 (November 15th, 2020)

  • BIG NEW FEATURE - Email Template : you can now customize the email containing the digital products directly from the app in a few clicks!
  • Design improvements
  • Fix for the "import license keys" feature

V2.1 (November 4th, 2020)

  • New setting added : you can now decide if you allow the downloads to be delivered even if the payment is pending
  • Speed improvements
  • Small design fixes

V2.0 (October 19th, 2020)

  • BIG NEW FEATURE - Variant support : now you can attach a file or URL to either a variant or a product (or multiple variants of a product)
  • Improved design on the order confirmation page when there is one or more digital downloads
  • New loading screen on the order confirmation / status page
  • General fixes for Safari
  • Fix for the orders page
  • Fix for when a digital product was deleted outside of the app
  • Fix for the order confirmation page on mobiles and tablets
  • Fix for when an URL was entered without https:// or http:// while attaching it to a digital product
  • Speed, design & other app improvements

V1.8 (October 11th, 2020)

  • Alert email sent to the store owner in case there is almost no more custom license keys available
  • Alert message shown to the customer if there is no more license key available
  • Improved clarity for the license keys list of the "Licenses" tab
  • Separator added between the different products in the order confirmation page
  • Fix for when using the enter key when creating new licenses
  • Fix for draft orders creation when using a prefix for the order name

V1.7.5 (October 6th, 2020)

  • New setting to show or hide the download button on the order confirmation page
  • Autocompletion / suggestion of the license key tags when creating new license keys
  • Quantity of a product purchased added in the orders section

V1.7.4 (September 9th, 2020)

  • The download buttons will now only appear when the order is marked as fully paid
  • Minor design fixes and improvements

V1.7.3 (August 31th, 2020)

  • Added the new feature to limit the downloads in time (with an expiration delay)
  • Fixed an issue where the "download reached" text was not correctly saved

V1.7.2 (August 28th, 2020)

  • Fix the count of used license keys when adding a new digital product
  • Added a demo button to have an idea of the end result of the app for your customers

V1.7.1 (August 10th, 2020)

  • Fix a hint text typo on the license keys when adding a digital product
  • Better explanations and tutorials on how to use the license keys with a tag

V1.7 (August 5th, 2020)

  • Realtime license key stats for each product
  • Ability to use the generated license key as an URL parameter when using your own URL for delivering the download

V1.6.1 (August 3rd, 2020)

  • Stats added to the license keys tab

V1.6 (July 30th, 2020)

  • Auto-fulfill option added to the "Customize" tab

V1.5.1 (July 23rd, 2020)

  • Improvements on the encryption and security algorithm when a customer downloads a file

V1.5 (July 17th, 2020)

  • Changelog integration
  • Customers details (name, email, IP Address, user agent) added in the "Orders" tab
  • Custom text field added in the "Customize" tab and on the order's confirmation page

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